An unusual request I know but I need to know if there%26#39;s any stores around the are that might sell chicken wings.
Don%26#39;t need the whole chicken. Don%26#39;t need cooked wings.
Any ideas?
Any decent butcher or supermarket should sell wings
Every supermarket except the tiniest ones stocks them. Do you think these are exotic products or something?
I bought them myself from the Delhaize near Hankar metro station the other day.
if i want wings depensing on the quantity i either go to anderlecht and buy them(large Qtys) or buy the packs fromn the supermarket and do the job myself. Wit ha shrp knife it is pretty easy.
A friend lives outside Brussels and hasn%26#39;t been able to find wings.
That%26#39;s why I asked.
She does live out in the country, so maybe hasn%26#39;t gone to a larger grocery store where they may have them.
I sent her a great recipe for Buffalo Wings (hot wings), since she has had them in the US and is hooked....
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